virtual tours are indeed one of the most innovative ways to showcase spaces for real estate, tourism, education, and more. but what if you took things a notch higher and made such tours more engaging and personal? with vrmow virtual tour software, that’s now very much possible through features like live session & meeting. this feature will turn your virtual tour from passive to live and interactive, wherein you get to engage with your audience in real-time and, finally, boost your conversions.

let’s dive into how live session & meeting can take your virtual tours to the next level.

what is live session & meeting?

the interesting thing in vrmow is the feature live session & meeting, enabling you to run interactive, real-time sessions within your virtual tours. just imagine guiding visitors through some 3d model of a property or, for that matter, even a museum display. instead of leaving them on an on-your-own journey, you can jump into the tour with them, answer questions, provide insights, and give them personalized experiences.

this feature is for professionals who want to bridge the gap in virtual interactions and offer engagement and support equal to if not higher than one would expect when taking an in-person tour—sans physical limitations.

how does it work?

it is super easy to use live session & meeting. after setting up your virtual tour in vrmow, you can enable the live session option and host a meeting. you will be able to:

1. host a live tour: this allows you to speak directly to your audience while taking them on a tour through the virtual space. you can walk visitors through the most important features in real-time, whether you are selling properties, stores, or historical sites.
2. also, chat and answer questions: other than giving people a tour, you can even answer questions impromptu. you will find that sometimes visitors may ask you about anything that they are seeing, to which you are in an able position to give an instantaneous answer. in such a way, it becomes so much more interactive.

3. video and voice calls: if you aren’t a fan of typing, you can always turn on video or voice calling to give it that more personalized feel and less of an online meeting. it almost feels like you’re there with them!

4. co-touring feature: you can let others join the tour and collaborate with them. for example, if you’re a real estate agent, your clients can join the tour, and then their family members can jump into it. everyone sees the same virtual environment at the same time, making this feel like a shared experience.

why use live session & meeting?

now, let’s proceed with how this feature is going to enhance your user experience and conversion rates.

1. more personalized
users simply love a tailored experience. using the live session & meeting feature, you can make sure that whatever unique interest or question they have gets put into a virtual tour just for them. instead of a room-by-room or exhibit-by-exhibit tour, the visitors get personalized guidance from an expert-you! the experience for them then becomes far richer and more memorable.

2. in-the-moment interaction means more interaction
by being present and able to interact, you’re encouraging visitors to hang around longer. the longer they’re hanging out with you, the more likely they actually are to really engage with the content and take next steps-whether that’s booking a visit, making a purchase, or requesting more information. it’s about holding their attention, and live interactions do this much better than any pre-recorded tour could hope to.

3. live feedback
one of the major disadvantages of virtual tours is that feedback is not immediate. users often leave with some questions or uncertainties that make them skeptical of moving further ahead. but with live session & meeting, those questions get answered instantly, increasing the chances that the visitor will take action-be it scheduling a meeting, making a purchase, or submitting a lead form.

4. build trust and confidence
this lets the users speak to a real person, even if it is through their virtual experience, which adds that touch that may build trust. in sectors where large decisions are being made, such as real estate or retail, people need to derive some sort of confidence prior to making any such move. the live session reassures them they’re doing the right thing.

5. it’s all about convenience
besides, not everybody can take the time to attend meetings or tours in person. live session & meeting lets people take a self-service tour of your space at a time convenient for them without them having to be there in person. still, they could have real-time interaction and expert guidance.

how best to apply live session & meeting

you must be wondering if this feature is right for your specific industry. following are a few scenarios where live session & meeting really works:<real estate agents- give them a personalized property tour, answer client questions, and point out all the key features they may miss.

museums & exhibits: give virtual visitors a guided tour of exhibits, sharing insights and answering questions as if they were walking through in person.

• retail: the retailers make a presentation of the products before the customers in a virtual showroom and guide them through options to arrive at a purchase decision.

• schools and universities: accommodate virtual campus tours where the prospect student along with their family can ask questions and get a real-time feel about the institution.

final thoughts

if one is already on vrmow virtual tour software, this live session & meeting feature changes the game in terms of improving engagement and user experience. it adds an edge of interactivity and personal touch that could increase conversion rates manifold by facilitating real-time guidance and answering questions then and there.

offer not a virtual tour, but an experience that gets them as close to being there as possible. at live session & meeting, you don’t just showcase a space; you actually create connections and build trust for better results in the end.